Residential & Flat Slow Slope Roofing
Residential Flat Slow Slope Roofing
Residential Flat and Low Slope Roofing
We specialize in replacing older residential roofs with ponding issues and extensive water damage. We can easily solve water ponding issues with sloped insulations, or modifying the existing deck, changing exiting drainage, and then installing modern long lasting membranes.
Our knowledge is unparalleled and unmatched. All we do is flat roofing. Unlike other roofing companies that claim to be residential flat roof specialist, we actually are, all we do is replace flat roofs. We don’t do windows, soffit/fascia and eaves trough, nor is the bulk of our business shingling houses. Just flat roofing.
We’ve invested heavily in proper flat roofing equipment, and in training. This enables us to be able to install and be an authority on all roofing systems, and not just “one roof fits all situations”. With our extensive experience in dealing with the unique issues that arise with residential flat roofing, we can foresee most issues and therefor give accurate pricing with no surprises.
Roof repair and replacement: We provide written quotes to replace existing residential flat roofs and resolve ponding water issues.
– Modified Bitumen
These are ideal flat roofing systems for your home. They don’t require a lot of intrusive equipment or labour, are energy efficient and cost effective, meeting everyone’s needs and budget!

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Oakville ON L6K 3S4